The Free Ride Home With Jock
Jock Burgess
Monday – Friday 3 – 7 p.m.
Jock Burgess is from right here in Calhoun County. He graduated from Wellborn High School and JSU. He’s worked around the state in radio.. He’s lucky to be married to Jessica and they have a cat named Peppers!
When Jock is not working on 97 9 VOK, he loves being in the Talladega National Forest and he loves to travel. He’s not much for allowing grass to grow under his feet. Jock has at times taught Sunday School at his Church and has enjoyed playing Tenor Sax as a part of his church’s worship team.
Today Jock is the program director and hosts Afternoons. It’s a lot of commercial-free, a few surprise stories, interesting things to do around the state, and perhaps a really cool connection to JSU football or Oxford High Football!